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    Teaching from Rest by Sarah Mackenzie


    Updated: Aug 2, 2022

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    From Sonya:

    "In the midst of all the doing, we forget the needful thing. We may sit at His feet; begin our day with prayer, Bible reading, and supplication, but is our teaching and mothering transformed by it? Do we really trust Him? Do we live each day from a state of rest? - Sarah Mackenzie

    Honestly, friends, I have been struggling to find a caption that fully captures m thoughts about this wonderful little book.

    I feel like all I simply can say is READ. THIS. BOOK. Read it, write in it, underline, highlight, and just let it soak into your mind. I think I could read this several times a year and each time I would come away inspired, not only in my homeschool teaching but also in my parenting.

    Sarah Mackenzie gives simple and purposeful tips for learning how to teach and parent out of rest. Rest comes from trust in God and surrendering to His plans for every minute of our day.

    This book is a very easy read! And, while it is geared toward homeschooling, I feel that the concept of rest can apply to all facets of life, whether homeschooling or not.

    From the back of the book:

    Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace will feel like a breath of fresh air to those of us dealing with stress, anxiety, and the everyday busyness of the homeschooling life! Encouraging moms to focus on relationships rather than checking items off the to-do list with frantic efficiency, author Sarah Mackenzie provides homeschoolers with a simple, centered pathway to restful teaching. Chapters provide gentle encouragement and advice on how to simplify your curriculum strategies, add margin to your day, focus on YOUR teaching style and strengths, and draw strength from the Lord's grace during the ins and outs of life.

    MY RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆

    ☆ star = highly disliked & probably didn't finish.

    ☆☆ stars = wouldn't recommend.

    ☆☆☆ stars = mostly good.

    ☆☆☆☆stars = very good.

    ☆☆☆☆☆ stars = reserved for my absolute favorite books.

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