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    Raising Grateful Kids in an Ungrateful World


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    "Kids grow up in a reality-show world, thinking of themselves as the central character on the stage. They have a Facebook page, they are famous in their own minds, they are like rock stars, and to them, there is no room (and no need) for true emotional empathy, self-examination, or personal responsibility.

    Nor is there incentive or motivation to learn to work. And they think they are entitled not to have limits or boundaries or discipline.

    Entitlement didn't start with my kids. It began with me. I entitled them because I was entitled."

    As I sit here writing this, I am trying to decide how to fit everything I want to say about this book into this tiny little square. I'm honestly at a loss for words to describe how much this book hit me to the core.

    There is a parenting phenomenon happening right now. It started with my parent's generation, continued on to my generation, and is continuing on the the next.

    It is called child-lead parenting.

    Kristen does such a fantastic job at speaking into this, as well as, entitlement.

    Our society as a whole has become one of complete selfishness and disregard for those around us. It is about the American dream; "Getting all you can. Canning all you can get. Sitting on the can so nobody can get what you can."

    We want our children to be happy, and yet, there has to be a different way than just giving them everything they want - things, money, resources, time.

    How do we teach our children how to be grateful in an entitled world? How do we teach them empathy for others? How do we show them there is more to life than just our little bubble?

    It all begins with us as parents. It all begins in my heart. Am I showing my children something more?

    In this book, Kristen gives so many practical and Biblical examples of how to implement gratefulness into our homes and daily life. After every chapter, she brings practical ideas and encouragement for several different age groups - parents, preschool, elementary, and high school.

    If you have the chance, please read this book. It may just change your life as it has mine.


    “But everyone else has it.” “If you loved me, you’d get it for me!” When you hear these comments from your kids, it can be tough not to cave. You love your children―don’t you want them to be happy and to fit in?

    Kristen Welch knows firsthand it’s not that easy. In fact, she’s found out that when you say yes too often, it’s not only hard on your peace of mind and your wallet―it actually puts your kids at long-term risk. In Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World, Kristen shares the ups and downs in her own family’s journey of discovering why it’s healthiest not to give their kids everything. Teaching them the difference between “want” and “need” is the first step in the right direction. With many practical tips and anecdotes, she shares how to say the ultimate yes as a family by bringing up faith-filled kids who will love God, serve others, and grow into hardworking, fulfilled, and successful adults.

    It’s never too late to raise grateful kids. Get ready to cultivate a spirit of genuine appreciation and create a Jesus-centered home in which your kids don’t just say―but mean!―“thank you” for everything they have.

    MY RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆

    ☆ star = highly disliked & probably didn't finish.

    ☆☆ stars = wouldn't recommend.

    ☆☆☆ stars = mostly good but may have some concerns.

    ☆☆☆☆stars = very good.

    ☆☆☆☆☆ stars = reserved for my absolute favorite books.



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